The network of associates established by IFPC Worldwide, Inc. possesses experience and knowledge in a wide range of fields and situational parameters. The collaboration of experience in public and private law enforcement, intelligence, investigations, security consulting, competitive analysis, accounting, planning, behavior, and law allows specialized attention to be given to each set of circumstances that are considered during an inquiry.
With access to multiple intelligence systems, distinguished forensic labs, and unique sources unavailable to the general public, the capabilities of IFPC Worldwide, Inc. are practically unlimited in the investigation arena.
Investigative efforts conducted by IFPC Worldwide, Inc. begin with a thorough interview with the client that covers such topics as circumstances of the situation, individuals involved, and objectives that desired to be obtained. Cases are then thoroughly analyzed by investigation coordinators to determine the most effective and efficient operational strategy available prior to initiation. Team members are then selected based on individual specialization to guarantee that each phase of the investigation is handled with the highest degree of professional confidence.
Throughout the investigation, investigative coordinators maintain a centralized role in gathering developed information and directing further efforts while working hand in hand with the client. Once the objective of the investigation is obtained, advisors are available to assist in resolution handling and proactive planning for deterrence of similar situations in the future when required.
Whatever the situation, IFPC Worldwide, Inc. is available 24 hours a day to address your investigative and security needs.
> Surveillance
Using covert surveillance vehicles designed exclusively for non-detection and gathering of video documentation, IFPC Worldwide, Inc.'s investigators are well prepared to catch any unsuspecting target engaging in unfavorable or illegal behavior. Relying on extensive knowledge of both investigative strategy and electronic equipment, IFPC's surveillance investigators evaluate each situation on an independent basis and develop positioning strategies to guarantee optimal documentation of useful information. While under surveillance conducted by IFPC, virtually any public place can become the arena for capture of the target's self-incriminating behavior.
> Undercover Operative Placement
Undercover operative (UC) placement is an investigative strategy offered by IFPC Worldwide, Inc. that can provide information that is often extremely difficult to obtain. Undercover operatives are selected based on the dynamics of the particular business where they are to be placed. During the selection process, such factors as industry experience, attitude, image, appearance, and age are taken into consideration to guarantee that the investigator is able to blend in with the current staff of the business. Special training in probing dialogue, blending techniques, and observational skills enable the investigator to appear as just another employee while engaging in the gathering of internal intelligence. Through the filing of weekly reports, UC operatives supply constant information on employee behavior, management decisions and handling of employees, and problems within the facility.
> Electronic Countermeasures
Using the latest technology available, our company has the versatility of performing sweeps on businesses ranging in size from small office locations to large corporate institutions, both domestically and internationally. Due to several variables that must be taken into consideration when performing sweeps; including location, building design, and schedule of inspections; the pricing on countermeasure surveillance tactics can not be established until a thorough review of the facility can be accomplished.
> Locates
Determination of an individual's current geographical location can be crucial in a variety of situations involving either personal issues or financial reconciliation. IFPC Worldwide's network of specialized associates and access to various informational systems guarantees the most thorough locate searches available. Strategically planned investigations are developed according to the specific parameters of each unique situation. Every lead is exhausted at IFPC until reliable confirmation is attained.
> Discrete Employee Evaluation
The retail and restaurant/bar industries are businesses that rely heavily on employee performance and trust. Each time an employee approaches a patron, they directly represent the image and quality of your business. Service, knowledge of products, timeliness, and employee attitude all weigh into a patron's experience at one of your locations. Are your employees dealing with patrons at the expected standard?
In addition to an employee's performance and attitude, another important aspect of workplace behavior to consider is honesty. In businesses based heavily in cash transactions, employees are afforded countless opportunities to add to their legitimate wages by utilizing one of many employee scams. Is your new clerk or bartender, who is between career-jobs and short on rent, getting all payments to the register?
Managers and supervisors don't have the time to watch employees constantly. Even if they did, employee behavior changes the moment they walk in the room. Then where is the solution?
IFPC Worldwide, Inc.'s Discrete Employee Evaluation strategy has been developed to address these exact problems. By doing an on-site evaluation of each location and meeting with owners to identify specific concerns, IFPC's consultants can develop a unique investigation plan to evaluate employee performance and cash handling. Business aspects of specific interest may include:
- Upselling of Products- Location Cleanliness
- Theft- Customer Service Skills
- Attitude- Grooming
- Knowledge of Products
Investigators are selected based on past experience in the industry, writing skills, and objective observational abilities. Entering the facility as a patron, the investigator observes predetermined aspects of the business and evaluates employee behavior. Through covert probing of employees and recognition of faulty cash handling patterns, investigators detect when employees may be engaging in theft and then focus their attention to facilitate the collection of usable information.
From notes taken following the evaluation, the investigator then develops an objective detailed report of all occurrences, positive or negative, that were witnessed during the observation period. Reports are then returned to the division supervisor and submitted to the client within one week of the evaluation, allowing immediate action to be taken against an employee if necessary
> Threat Analysis and Deductive Profiling
Stories of violence against persons and property have become all too frequent throughout the news media in our society today. To address these issues, IFPC utilizes violence assessment strategies to address situations both proactively and reactively.
The number one weapon against personal violence is to recognize and defuse a potentially violent situation before it can occur. When proactive consultation is requested, IFPC gathers all available information and evidence pertaining to a specific threat or general behavior pattern of an individual. Such information may include dialog of verbal threats, telephone calls, handwritten communications, or personal warning signs such as anomalies in behavior, social skills, dress, hygiene, or possessions. A thorough analysis of information received is then conducted by specialized investigators to determine if a threat is present and how serious the threat may be. Detailed methods of action for diffusing the situation are then suggested and assistance is provided if necessary.
When a violent incident does occur, IFPC Worldwide, Inc.'s assessment team is prepared to reactively analyze the situation in an attempt to determine the probable cause, motive, and method of operation used by the perpetrator. Complete evaluation of the crime scene, evidence, victim background, geographical location, and available police reports, is performed to facilitate the development of a logical profile of the incident and responsible party. Such methods have been successfully utilized in cases involving arson, property damage, stalking, and crimes against the person.
> Due Diligence
Business dealings in today's volatile markets require reliable intelligence upon which to base confident decisions. The gathering of intelligence on a potential business partner or corporate acquisition can provide the foresight that is often lacking prior to closing the deal. Due Diligence investigations conducted by IFPC Worldwide, Inc. can range in depth from corporate record searches to full-blown company profiles. Information gathered during business inquiries can include background information about the company, its officers, their established trade history, assets, property, UCC filings, judgements, liens, and other litigation. Intelligence is then organized and provided in an easy to read report format for reference during the decision making process.
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